9/16/2004 07:43:00 PM|W|P|Greg Ross|W|P|

It's kinda funny that Hotmail's auto-fill feature remembers every address I've ever sent mail to ... except for my Gmail account.

Kinda funny.

|W|P|109536379816372341|W|P||W|P|greg.ross@gmail.com9/12/2004 05:24:00 PM|W|P|Greg Ross|W|P|

A random D.C.-related comment by the brilliant standup Patton Oswalt:

I was also obsessed with a Washington, D.C. sportscaster named Glen Brenner. He was on WDCA Channel 9 and he was the first person I ever saw on TV who would reference the fact he was on TV while he was speaking to you from TV. He looked like a normal guy bullshitting with you at a bar or someplace, and not sitting in a TV studio being a star. He'd reference the cameramen and sound boom guy, and point out mistakes, and sometimes not even know about the sports he was reporting on. Sometimes he'd play a package of hockey highlights and you'd hear his voice-over saying, "Here's some guys skating. Look, I hate this stupid game, so you know I didn't watch any of the games last night and I don't care who won. But the studio pays $500 for this footage, and I guess Canada really needs the money, aaaaaaaaand...are we done?" Then the camera would cut back to him, and he'd be saying, "I figured that would fill the time. Hockey. Great. Okay, now some baseball." He died in 1992. Young guy. Embolism while running a marathon. Sucks.

Run out and get his Feelin' Kinda Patton.
