A dispatch from the Department of Deadpan Irony: "Bush told his senior aides Tuesday that he 'didn't want to see any stories' quoting unnamed administration officials in the media anymore, and that if he did, there would be consequences, said a senior administration official who asked that his name not be used."
|W|P|106639965091883308|W|P||W|P|greg.ross@gmail.comWASHINGTON - When it comes to cursing, the government says, it's all in the delivery. That's the view of the Federal Communications Commission in its decision that U2 singer Bono's colorful language during the Golden Globe Awards didn't violate federal indecency rules.
The FCC rejected complaints from the Parents Television Council and more than 200 people, most of them associated with the council, who accused dozens of television stations of violating restrictions on obscene broadcasts by airing portions of the awards program last January.
The complaints objected to Bono's uttering the phrase "this is really, really, f------ brilliant."
The FCC, using the F-word more often to explain its decision than Bono did on the air, said the word "may be crude and offensive, but, in the context presented here, did not describe sexual or excretory organs or activities." That distinction is a key test to measure whether a statement meets a federal standard for broadcast indecency.
Apologies to whoever wrote that storyHotmail ate the link.
|W|P|106561627356096502|W|P||W|P|greg.ross@gmail.comQSR Magazine reports the results of its Drive-Thru Time Study, which rates fast-food drive-through windows on speed, order accuracy, menu board appearance, and speaker clarity. Best: Chick-fil-a. Worst: White Castle.
|W|P|106509715422149695|W|P||W|P|greg.ross@gmail.comInternet Infidels is "the most comprehensive freethought web site on the Internet." I was agnostic until about four years ago, but I think I'd have to call myself an outright atheist now. From a spiritual standpoint, I don't see how an infinitely good God could allow priests to molest children. And from a secular perspective, I've seen how much damage one man's unshakable faith can cause. I don't ever want to be that sure about anythingit scares me.